They on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month, a festival day; Liang and his wife, Lady Cai, were celebrating it at a family dinner in the rear salon. Lady Cai, a daughter of Cai Jing, the Premier in the Eastern Capital, asked him whether he had prepared the birthday gifts to be presented to her father. Liang said that he already bought ornaments of gold and precious stones valued at a hundred thousand strings of cash to present as birthday gifts. He was just choosing a person to deliver them. Madame Cai said that Yang Zhi was quite remarkable and that why not entrust him with the mission.
He summoned Yang Zhi into the hall. He said, If you can safely deliver the birthday gifts for me, I`ll have you raised in rank. How shall the convoy be composed, and when shall it set forth? asked Yang. There are ten extra-large carts. I will have one strong soldier follow each of the carts. I`m sending with you Chief Steward Xie and two captains of the guards
It`s not that I`m unwilling, but I really can`t do it. There are many mountains and forests, and all are infested with bandits. Please give the mission to some brave and skilful person Do you mean to say that the birthday gifts can`t be delivered? If you`ll grant your servant one request, I will undertake the mission.
Since I`m willing to entrust you with it, why not? State your wish.
As I see it, Your Excellency; we shouldn`t use any carts. Pack the gifts into containers to be carried, disguised as merchandise, on shoulder-poles. Let the ten strong soldiers serve as porters. I`ll need only one more person, also dressed as a merchant, to go as my assistant. Chief Steward Xie and two captains of the guards should be put in my charge. Good. I`ll give them official orders.
The cavalry constables of Yuncheng County, Zhu Tong and Lei Heng known as Beautiful Beard and Winged Tiger led two patrols into the countryside to look for bandits. When Lei Heng entered Lingguan Temple in East Bank Village he saw a big fellow stark naked and sleeping on the altar. He ordered the soldiers to tie him up and take him to the manor of Chao Gai, Ward Chief of East Bank Village, who was known as Tower-Shifting Heavenly King. Lei Heng said to Chao, We tied a drunkard up, and I was going to take him to the county magistrate straight away.
Chao Gai puzzled. On the pretext that he would go out to relieve myself, he went to the gate house to have a look at the man tied. Where are you from, young fellow? Chao Gai asked him. Who did you want to join in this village?
I come here to join a gallant man called Ward Chief Chao. Seek no further. I am Ward Chief Chao. If you want me to save you, pretend to recognize me as your mother`s brother
Chao Gai and Lei Heng emerged from the building. The soldiers let down the young man from the gate house. Seeing Chao Gai, the young man shouted: Uncle, save me! Chao Gai pretended to peer at him. Then he cried: Why, isn`t that rascal Wang the Third? Yes, it`s me, uncle. Save me! He`s my sister`s son, Wang the Third! Lei Heng ordered his soldiers to untie the young man and turn him over to the ward chief.